3 Traffic Offences You Don’t Know You’re Committing

Most people are aware of the main traffic offences to avoid. However, there are lesser-known traffic offences that, when committed, can result in consequences such as fines, licence suspension, or even prison. Resolute Legal’s traffic lawyers can help you navigate the accusations made against you and minimise the legal consequences.

Driving Above the Speed Limit

You’re probably aware that driving above the speed limit is an offence; but did you know that the penalty increases depending on the extent to which you are over the limit? For example, if you are found guilty of driving 25km/h above the speed limit, then 4 demerit points would be assessed against you for this offence. If you are found guilty of driving above the speed limit, our team of traffic lawyers can help you avoid fines and licence suspension.

Drinking Alcohol Whilst Driving

In Queensland, it is illegal to consume alcohol whilst operating a vehicle, even if the driver’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is below the legal limit of 0.05%. Drivers caught consuming alcohol whilst driving face a maximum penalty of up to $2000. At Resolute Legal, our team of drink driving lawyers specialise in improving your chances in court. We will mount a strong case on your behalf aimed at minimising penalties and license disqualification periods.

Driving Under the Influence on Private Property

It is a common misconception that driving under the influence cannot be enforced on private property. The Queensland Transport Operations Act stipulates that a police officer may ask a driver to participate in a breath test if they are seen in the operating vehicle, irrespective of the location.

Whilst driving under the influence of alcohol is permitted if the driver’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is under 0.05%, driving under the influence of illicit drugs is illegal in all situations. If you have been caught driving under the influence of drugs, a drug driving lawyer can guide you through the legal proceedings.

If you’re at risk of losing your licence and you’re looking for legal representation from a drink or drug driving lawyer, contact Resolute Legal now to speak to one of our lawyers in Townsville.

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