The Wills and Estate Planning Process in Townsville

If you’re beginning to consider what may happen to your property or assets after your death, it may be time to consider a will or estate plan. A will is a legal document containing information on the distribution of your assets after your death. It will also include details of who will execute your wishes, as well as any charitable donations or gifts.

A will is only a small element of estate planning, however. Resolute Legal’s estate lawyers can help you determine an effective estate plan and protect your wishes.

Creating an Estate Plan

Contacting a trusted wills and estates lawyer is the first step towards creating peace of mind for you and your family. At Resolute Legal, our wills lawyers will prompt you to:

  • Take account of the assets you wish to distribute.
  • Consider whom you’d like to be beneficiaries of your estate. This may be your spouse, children, extended family or friends.
  • Think about whom you wish to be an executor of your estate, or who will hold power of attorney.
  • In the event of medical incapacitation, consider who will make decisions on your behalf.

Resolute Legal’s wills lawyer can then begin to document your estate plan, structuring it to minimise taxes and provide your family with as much support as possible. In the event your circumstances change, your wills lawyer can ensure your estate plan is updated accordingly.

How Resolute Legal can Help

Resolute Legal has the lawyers Townsville relies on. Our estate team takes time to understand your financial position and what your priorities are in executing your estate plan. If you have dependent children, this may be outlining financial and custody arrangements in the event of your death. Or perhaps you’d like an equal distribution of your assets between family members. No matter the complexities, Resolute Legal offers step-by-step guidance in documenting and executing your estate plan.

A comprehensive and effective estate plan is the first step in ensuring your family, loved ones and assets will be protected in the event of your death. Don’t leave it too late. Contact Resolute Legal: the lawyers Townsville residents trust.

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