What Kind of Cases do Family Lawyers Deal with in QLD?
The Family Court of Australia, established in 1975 concerns itself with family matters which have to do with marriage, child custody, financial matters related to family law and many other types of cases. Cases related to family law are heard by the court, and this is where Resolute Legal’s family law lawyers represent clients with an aim to resolve disputes within the scope of the law. Here are some of the types of cases that our family law lawyers deal with.
A family lawyer has the expertise to help you begin divorce proceedings. They will advise you on the requirements which are to be met to demonstrate that a marriage has failed, conduct necessary investigations, represent you during settlement meetings and secure the best possible outcome for any children who may be involved.
Unlike a divorce, an annulment is a nullification of a marriage, implying that two people were never legally married. Your family lawyer can help you file for annulment if:
- One of the parties was legally married to someone else at the time.
- The parties are in a prohibited relationship
- One or both of the parties were not old enough to be married.
- If the marriage was conducted under duress or by fraud.
Your lawyer will also assist you with property and financial matters which are not covered by the annulment.
Sole Custody and Termination of Parental Rights
In the event that a child is being abused, harmed or neglected, a family lawyer will be able to move the court to grant parental responsibility to a single parent.
In the matter of divorce, a divorce lawyer with experience in family law dispute resolution will be best placed to settle on terms of custody and visitation which suit the separating parents as well as the child.
Money and Property
Family lawyers are both familiar with divorce law and know how to leverage the legal system to ensure appropriate child support, spousal maintenance and financial orders to ensure the upkeep of any dependents involved in a separation.
Your Team of Family Law Specialists in Queensland
Are you seeking to annul a marriage? Are you a victim of domestic abuse? Do you need family law dispute resolution services to help resolve a property dispute? Contact Resolute Legal today to speak to our team of family law experts with experience in a wide range of complex family law and divorce cases.